Answer for Online SSB PPDT Story Writing Practice Set -6

Attempted By : vishnuAnswered on : 28 Dec 2016
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1 rama was a young business man .he finds his solace by helping others .he is a philanthropist. he loves children very much and he seen that the school near his house provide food at noon to the children bu which is very poor quality .rama decided to provide them with better quality food containing all nutrition and balanced diet.for that he met the principal of the school and inform them about his wish to provide food to the children the principal agreed to it. he gave a fund to them for arranging food and also they are given with egg and milk e in a week.rama was very happy he is building a healthy generation for the future


Story needs improvement. First of all don't mention that so and so is philanthropist. Let the action project the qualities.
Coming to the story, if it was a government school which was providing low quality meals then the hero should have brought the culprits to the books. So try to slightly improvise and you'll come with flying colors.
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