Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : saishivAnswered on : 07 May 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire
2 Fly hardwork helps to fly high .
3 Bright
4 Crime crime rate is decreaing due to sever punishment to crimina
5 Afford money can afford happiness.
6 Game playing game is good for health.
7 Hot hot coffee helps to reduce stress.
8 Future future depend upon present prepartion.
9 Clever clear and smartwork helps in acheiving goal in life.
10 Happy achievements leads to happiness in life.
11 Combat indian army wins in combat sitaution.
12 Burden taking burden as a challenge
13 Worship warship is used by naval forces.
14 War better trade decreases the risk of war between countries.
15 Prasie exellent results are always being praised.
16 Guarantee continous efforts guarantees sucess.
17 Brutal
18 Scandal irrelevant scandles must be banned.
19 Interfere iterfering in others matter puts u in trouble.
20 Choice better choice gives good results.
21 Doubt doubtfull situation leads u in troble
22 Crowd crowd was calm in
23 Gem gem are always recoganised by knowledable p
24 Pity indicate good
25 Infection proper medicine are to be provided to patient .
26 Read reading articles will increase your knowled
27 Murder murder is a criminal offence.
28 Result execllent result are obtain by continous effort.
29 Average ave
30 Freedom must be enjoyed by every citizen of c
31 Dismiss being careless in nature may dismiss duty.
32 Tidy tidy work is always appreciated.
33 Grudge police caught thief with grudge.
34 Judge being judgemental in nature may destroys relationships.
35 Sorrow failure in life sometime leads to sorrow feelings.
36 Nation serve the nation with pride.
37 Operation operation trisule was a succesful operation by a
38 Clever smartwork and clerverness lead to sucess.
39 All all must be treated equally irrespective of race caste sex
40 Possible byb hardwork its posible t
41 Drive long drive helps in releasing stress.
42 Tree planting tree helps to sove envi
43 Cheat once a cheater always a cheater.
44 Shout is major cause of noise pollution and offen leads to ar
45 Venom is used in medicine.
46 Cruel cruel behaviour destroys relation
47 Dance joyous moments rare clebrated by dancing.
48 Religion respect all religion equally.
49 Army army serves the country with pride.
50 Discipline discipline helps to improve your personlaity.
51 Rule obey rules and regulation.
52 Lonely spending some time alone
53 Problem smartwork helps to solve problems.
54 Pride soldiers serve their country with pride.
55 Rank rank signifies your personality.
56 Soldier soldiers serves nad protect our country with pride.
57 Defeat traitors are defeated by indian army.
58 Achieve hardwork and continous effort helps to achieve your aim.
59 Zealous zeal and hardwork lead to success.
60 Rigid rigid body are hard to break.
61 Answer


Few of the answers need improvement. Sentence warship is used by naval forces shows that you have not read the given word correctly. The word given is worship not warship. Also sentences such as police caught thief with grudge will not fetch you good marks.
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