Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : vivekAnswered on : 18 Dec 2016
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire burning something
2 Bright think of line of fact
3 Fly feeling of go u
4 Crime unwanted work
5 Afford pay something
6 Game play a enjoy
7 Hot having a te
8 Future initiative think
9 Clever intelligent and able l
10 Happy feeling of smartness
11 Combat war againstespicially
12 Burden hadche something
13 Worship taking glace from the god
14 War fight betwee
15 Prasie perfect language
16 Guarantee hvouch for s
17 Brutal extremly cruel o
18 Scandal sleeper forwearing
19 Interfere envalbe other work or matter
20 Choice getting something for accept hea
21 Doubt think in mind mouching
22 Crowd large number of pe
23 Gem valuable stone
24 Pity feeling strong
25 Infection effect on
26 Read remember something rev
27 Murder killing a person
28 Result decission
29 Average calculating
30 Freedom quality of free
31 Dismiss consider something
32 Tidy clean org.
33 Grudge
34 Judge taker of decision
35 Sorrow think
36 Nation ouleaving country
37 Operation searching something
38 Clever tamendas clevered
39 All one is all think
40 Possible feeling of positivity
41 Drive something running
42 Tree glan
43 Cheat
44 Shout
45 Venom
46 Cruel pratical think
47 Dance enjoyable stemina
48 Religion standerd o leaving
49 Army respective service for nation
50 Discipline quality of persnality
51 Rule schedule for somethink
52 Lonely feeling of nervas
53 Problem its feeling of tipical condition
54 Pride a session for duty
55 Rank a respect
56 Soldier a man how work for his country
57 Defeat some one how lose
58 Achieve something get
59 Zealous a person how fe
60 Rigid


Answers seem as if you are writing the meaning of words asked in WAT. It is not a test to check whether you know the meaning or not. Instead, WAT test is held to know your reaction to these words.
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