Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : rammohan.gAnswered on : 28 Jun 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test once there was an old man named rammohan he had an habit of reading news[aper it is the best habit in which hee had from his childhood once at early in the morning he didn't get the news paper to his home becose the paperboy was sufering with soime hewakth problem so he is not abulto distribute the news papers on that that by knowing that rammohan the oldman went near by shop and asked for a news paper since he was very late all the news papers were sold out and only one paper was there at near by tea stal and that to it was reading by his person who is head of tthe village so waited for a long time to read that newspaper and after completion of reading the newspaper this oldman took that paper that read and had a nive tea and went to the home hapily.by saying that the newspaper distributer child should recover as early as possible by thinking like this in his mind.becose if he recovers fast then he


Story needs improvement.

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