Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : Kumar animeshAnswered on : 14 Jul 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test The story which i percepted consist of two character one male name animesh aged 70yrs and another is a female shikha aged 60 yrs. Male character is in neutral mood and female is in positive mood. Animesh who went missing after an accident was badly injured when some found him by the river side. That kind person help him and provide medical assistance to him after that as animesh was a engineer he stayed at that palce and after recovering from the injuries he came to know that the people of that village are very innovative they have made machines from scraps and are using them for daily purpose. He helped them in bring ther home made machineries to the city with some advancement and this gathered a lot of appriciation and the animesh helped them to get the patent rights for those , by this the village which was not known well was starting


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