Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : Vibha MamgainAnswered on : 18 Jul 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test Ram and Shyam were two childhood friends.. They both were fond off playing and adventure. Ram was responsible and took his studies seriously, but Shyam on the other hand took to notorious habits including smoking and gambling. Ram went on to become a teacher, but Shyam survived to temporary jobs. They grew old and Ram has a secure life with his pension, but Shyam suffering from various illness now was left to wander the streets for help. On seeing Ram enjoy his life, Shyam realized that he took the wrong path in life and was disheartened . Ram being a true friend and seeing Shyam in this condition decided to help him out. He got Shyam enrolled in skill classes. Shyam now dedicated to learn various skills like basket making and weaving. He completed his skill classes and was able to make a living out of it He got a respectful and satisfying job after that. He thanked Ram for his help. Ram was happy halping his friend and felt that he completed his duties as a friend.


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