Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : arundhatiAnswered on : 26 Nov 2016
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test Once there lived 2 beggars in ramnagar. oneday one of the beggars found a bag full of gold and instead of reporting to the police station kept the bag with him.Though the beggar became rich but he always fear if being caught.He always scans newspapers to see if there is any complaint of the bag.Thus soon he began ti leave in fear. The other beggar who though poor used to live in peace.He didn't had beautiful clothes but still he was in peace.One day the thief saw an advertisement of the missing gold bag and left the place.Police came to enquire about the bag and heard of that beggar who turned rich.The police finally got nab of the thief and put him behind the bars.The other beggar came to meet the accused in jail and laughed at him


Story is not impressive. PPDT story should reflect heroic character. Your story is like a story which is formed to reach moral values which is not acceptable.
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