Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : Mayank PandeyAnswered on : 25 Jan 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test Rashmi a 36 year old lady .She is Seemapur village pradhan. She is a agile lady and concerned about the livelihood of the villagers.She is the one of the few who had got proper education and could read newspaper.One day while reading the newspaper she found a new regarding a new policy that is Yuva Vikas Yogana and she red the article in detail and found that under this scheme all those who are below that 25 year can registered themselves and can learn a skill and can earn 5000 per month .She immediately called on the number provided and enquired about the further details .She told her father about the scheme as he was village sarpanch. She gathered all the villagers next day in the community area and persuade them and ask them to submit Addhar card and other necessary document by the end of


Concept is very good. Just work on your English.
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