Answer for Online SSB PPDT Story Writing Practice Set -6

Attempted By : KunalAnswered on : 22 Feb 2017
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1 Ram is an army officer who has came on holiday to his home. One day he decides to go out with his family for fun. They all decides to go for fair to have fun and amusement. Ram with his son was enjoying the fair and were extremely happy for his son and there suddenly comes little kid of around 8 years of age in front of him with a utensil in his hand begging in front of him. this scene made ram very emotionally touched and he felt disheartened about that guy. He thought that millions of kids like him who could have been an engineer, an officer , a doctor are begging. This is clearly the future of nation in darkness. By seeing this, Ram decides to work for them. he went to the district collector talks with him about the issue and they agrees to open a SCHOOL FOR ORPHANS AND POOR CHILDREN offering EDUCATION FREE OF COST. And with the positive intent of ram,his hard work , dedication and zeal to to goodness of the society, now the school rates among the best school in the country and has already given the country various renowned engineers, doctors and armed officers. Later on Ram is also awarded by the GOI with the NOBEL AWARD for his good work for the nation.


Education in government schools is free for all backward children. So there is no point of asking the collector about opening a school which provides free education. Instead, he might have persuaded collector to open evening school for those children who cannot afford to go to school in the morning. Also do not bold or capitalize to emphasis. Just follow correct grammar and punctuation.
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