Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : abirAnswered on : 27 Aug 2017
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1 Speak Speaking anything from our mind is not correct as it might be harmful.
2 Bonding The bonding between cement and bricks gets stronger with age.
3 Treat Every citizen is treated equally in our country.
4 Fool Nobody likes to be fooled.
5 Begger Todays stations are filled with begger because they donot desire to work.
6 Fear Fear no evil when your heart is pure.
7 Bond There is always a special bond between a mother and her child.
9 Write Writing helps us to remember many things.
10 Try Try till you get success.
11 Coward Coward people must be taught to act brave.
12 Lie I hate to lie though truth is b
13 Act Think before you act.
14 Grim During monsoon the weather in northeast India remains grim mostly.
15 Labor 1st of May is celebrated as International labor day.
16 Zeal Zeal can be tough.
17 Clue The clue to the answer is somethimes present in the question itself.
18 Dry Rann of Kuchh is a dry place in INDIA.
19 Weak Whenever possible the weak must be helped in the society.
20 Truth Truth was the power of Gandhiji.
21 Excellent In every field the excellent people always seems to be devoted
22 Argue Better to agree to the fool then argue with him unnecessarily.
23 Figure Similie is a figure of speech used in poems.
24 Primary Indians primarily consume wheat or rice as food.
25 Guilty Guilty people are mostly convicted of their crimes by court of law.
26 Trouble I seek no trouble from anyone if I am wrong.
27 React Living being react to any stimuli be it external or internal
28 Law Our constitution teaches us to respect the law of the land.
29 Seal The letter sent to me by the Army was sealed in an envelope.
30 Destination Ultimate destination of every journey is
31 Tiger Tiger is getting endangered due to decrease in forest cover of our country.
32 Victory Victory of truth is eminent.
33 Meet I like to meet new people and make new friends.
34 Beg If someone hurt others its in best to beg pardon from the other.
35 History History is the study of our glorious past which effects the future too.
36 Jail Every district in India has a jail to habitate the criminals.
37 Viper Viper is a very venomous snake.
38 Hurt Nobody has the right to hurt other peoples.
39 Drama Sankerdeva wrote many tradiotional Assamese dramas.
40 Cry When people get hurt bad they generally cry.
41 Poor Gandhian Socialism is good for easing the life of the poor.
42 Quick Quick and stealthy are traits few people have.
43 Excess Excess food causes obesity.
44 Traitor There in no place for a traitor in any country.
45 Brave Our soldiers in army are very brave.
46 Sweet India is famous for different sweets and confectionaries.
47 Win the turtle won the race.
48 Father My father is a doctor.
49 Read I like to read non fiction books.
50 Team Team work eases the task for everyone.
51 Offer I would like to offer an proposition.
52 Snake Snake crawls to move from one place to another.
53 Ambush Sivaji was good in sudden ambush which is
54 Detail Every bill must quote the price of goods in detail
55 Dream I dream to become an army officer.
56 Kill Killing is the last resort to problems.
57 Ground Republic day parade was organised in the ground of the capital dis
58 Criminal Practice of child labour is a criminal offence.
59 Answer There maybe multiple answers to some kind of questions
60 Play I like to play football


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