Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : Sweksha MishraAnswered on : 09 Jul 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire Fir brigade used to control the fire.
2 Bright The venus is the brittest planet.
3 Fly I want to fly high in the sky.
4 Crime Crime is not always has a aim it can be sudde
5 Afford I afford a car to gift as a present on my friend's birthday.
6 Game Cricket is a game.
7 Hot The tea was hot and coffee was cold.
8 Future My future is bright.
9 Clever She was very clever just to make her things done.
10 Happy The people live happy in there houses.
11 Combat A ship combat the other one.
12 Burden A little boy has a lot of burden.
13 Worship We worship our God.
14 War War are only meant for destruction.
15 Prasie Father in church always prasie his good.
16 Guarantee I guarantee that I will finish our work within the time limit.
17 Brutal He was brutal.
18 Scandal A scandal of theirs were found in the train.
19 Interfere A person interfere in all mat
20 Choice Choice is yours.
21 Doubt I never doubt myself.
22 Crowd A lot of crowd of people's on a occasion.
23 Gem Gems are very tasty.
24 Pity
25 Infection Infection are not good for health
26 Read I read newspaper everyday.
27 Murder He murdered a man sitting next to me.
28 Result My result is about to come.
29 Average He was a average student in my classroom.
30 Freedom Freedom us not meant to disrespect.
31 Dismiss He was dismissed from his duty for misbehaving.
32 Tidy The clothes were very tidy.
33 Grudge
34 Judge The judge in the court has only the right to judge anyone.
35 Sorrow The grapes were sorrow.
36 Nation We all live our nation.
37 Operation Operation is done to cure any diaese
38 Clever Fox is very clever.
39 All We all love each other.
40 Possible Everything is possible to get but we need to work in a
41 Drive I drive well on a zigzaw road.
42 Tree Mango tree are big enough.
43 Cheat Exams are not to cheat anyone. Are only to learn something.
44 Shout Teacher was shouting on a boy for misbehaving.
45 Venom Venom are only to
46 Cruel King's son was cruel with the pe
47 Dance Dancing is the best exercise to keep your body fit.
48 Religion Religion are not to create discrimination among the people.
49 Army Army soldiers always serve their nation .
50 Discipline Discipline people always get respect and give respect to others.
51 Rule Rule are set to follow not to discard.
52 Lonely Living Lonely is not the solution of any problem.
53 Problem Problem are only to learn something new not to lose anything
54 Pride I feel pride always
55 Rank Rank is not much important to decide the importance and qua
56 Soldier A soldier always protect his nation.
57 Defeat Rajghar king defeated the rampur king.
58 Achieve To achieve something hard work is required.
59 Zealous She is not zealous of anything
60 Rigid A person is rigid by his decision


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