Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : RAM KUMARAnswered on : 17 Sep 2016
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire helps in cooking
2 Bright hardship brights
3 Fly fear free
4 Crime e
5 Afford be honest with yourself which is the most precious thing.
6 Game life is a game of ups and downs and fight with it.
7 Hot Sonam kapoor
8 Future live in the present which secures your future
9 Clever they observe everything
10 Happy helping spread happiness
11 Combat combat with weakness
12 Burden burdens are the responsibility of a respo
13 Worship worship the hardwork
14 War war leads to e new life
15 Prasie praising oneself is a necessar
16 Guarantee thinking positively guarantee suc
17 Brutal
18 Scandal
19 Interfere India should interfere in J&K
20 Choice airforce
21 Doubt never doubt yourself
22 Crowd leader can be easily differentiated from crowd
23 Gem
24 Pity
25 Infection
26 Read one of the best thing to change world
27 Murder murder negative vibes
28 Result hard work paid off
29 Average I am an average person
30 Freedom people of India
31 Dismiss dismiss negative thoughts from your mind
32 Tidy clear
33 Grudge face the problems in your life with grudge
34 Judge don't judge anyone a
35 Sorrow happiness is the next phase of sorrow
36 Nation nation comes first
37 Operation lead by an officer
38 Clever they observe everything
39 All all of us unite as an Indian.
40 Possible hard work a
41 Drive one can drive himself in hard work by dedication
42 Tree gives the different
43 Cheat one can't cheat himself
44 Shout
45 Venom
46 Cruel hardship
47 Dance makes people flexible
48 Religion unite people
49 Army one of the most couragious
50 Discipline strength
51 Rule
52 Lonely loneliness can be useful for introspections oneself
53 Problem problems comes with solutions
54 Pride our defence services are pride of our
55 Rank scholars
56 Soldier A soldier never give up
57 Defeat hard work defeat fai
58 Achieve achievements are the resuls of hard work
59 Zealous enthu
60 Rigid nothing is permanent


Good WAT answers. Try to write little quickly and you will definitely have a good chance of performing best in WAT of SSB interview.
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