Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : ChristyAnswered on : 22 Jul 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire Fire is the purest of all the five elements because it cannot be contaminated
2 Bright Shine bright like a diamond.
3 Fly Being able to fly would be the superpower i ask for if
4 Crime One of my favorite papers in law school was crime and criminology
5 Afford I can afford
6 Game I am a fan of Game of Thrones series
7 Hot Rajasthan is considered very hot is a stereotypical sense
8 Future will g
9 Clever The word clever has already been asked once
10 Happy Staying happy all the time is impossible
11 Combat
12 Burden The first born generally takes the financial burden into her hands
13 Worship
14 War Nothing is fair in love and war
15 Prasie I dont know what prasie means
16 Guarantee Nothing is guaranteed in life
17 Brutal Capital punishment is brutal, but just for certain crimes.
18 Scandal India has witnessed a lot many scams and scandals during the Manmohan Singh g
19 Interfere it is not a good habit to interfere in a conversation
20 Choice In India, whether to join the armed forces is a choice, unlike Korea.
21 Doubt Faith is destroyed when doubt creeps in.
22 Crowd Claustrauphobic people are afraid of crowd
23 Gem Gems are very expensive depending on what gem it is, the most expen
24 Pity I pity those who don't understand why they should serve their motherland
25 Infection Infection is generally spread when one does not take proper precaustions
26 Read One should cultivate the habit of reading from childhood
27 Murder Murder is defined under Section 300 of the indian Penal Code
28 Result
29 Average Being an average in everything you do, has gotten m
30 Freedom Freedom is a confusing concept these days
31 Dismiss One should not dismiss any criticism
32 Tidy Keeping a place tidy is difficult, but it's always worth the satisfaction
33 Grudge Holding a grudge against anybody only increases the negativity inside the person.
34 Judge My ambition is to become Judge Advocate General in the Armed Forces of India
35 Sorrow No sorrow remains permanent
36 Nation India is my nation and I would go to any extend to do something for my nation
37 Operation I waited outside the operation theatre when my mother was in labour for my sister
38 Clever Clever cannot always be equated to cunning
39 All All is well
40 Possible Anything is possible with determination and perseverance
41 Drive It should be desire to achieve that drives a person and no
42 Tree Every person should pledge that they plant a tree in their life
43 Cheat Cheating is the worst thing one can do in any sort of relationship
44 Shout Sometimes, shouting gives a relief to the anger and pain inside
45 Venom I am scared of venomous snakes
46 Cruel India has signed a treaty against cruel and inhumane treatmen
47 Dance Dance liberates
48 Religion All religions practically preach the same idea, "Love one another".
49 Army I have always wanted to join the army since my teenage
50 Discipline Discipline is an important characteristic featureof armed forces
51 Rule Rules are never to be broken
52 Lonely
53 Problem Problems are part and parcel of life.
54 Pride I take pride
55 Rank The rank is all what matters when it comes to
56 Soldier A soldier defends his country
57 Defeat defeat can be a good lesson
58 Achieve There should always be something to achieve for life to have a meaning
59 Zealous My friends
60 Rigid One shouldn't be too rigid about his principles


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