Answer for Online PPDT story writing practice to pass SSB

Attempted By : ApoorvaAnswered on : 17 Mar 2018
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 PPDT picture for SSB practice Suma was pregnant and it was a great news for the whole family especially her husband sudheer. His parents were expecting for a boy from their son and daughter in law, but the couple didn't have any expectation. They were ready to welcome their little one in the world no matter if it is a boy or a girl. Finally suma delivered a girl child and the couple was really happy about it. But the grand parents were not ready to welcome the new born just because it was a girl. Sudheer confronted his parents, when they made an issue and wanted to give away the child to someone else. He convinced them and made them understand the importance of girl and told them it was their own child and how can they give away the child. Finally they agreed and looked after the child with great care. They named the child as nikita. The family lived happily together.


Story is good. Only bear in mind that the main character of the story is you.
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