Answer for Online PPDT story writing practice to pass SSB

Attempted By : Deepak panchalAnswered on : 24 Oct 2018
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1 PPDT picture for SSB practice sunita has a child 6 months old he is sleeeping on the jhula. sunita come near and noticed that the chil has a fever then sunita immediately take her child to the hospital at that doctor said the child is suffering from bluebaby disease you are very lucky to take him very fast if you failed to reach here then your child will go into danger afterwards doctor started recoverying child and child recover the disease and sunita express happy to the doctor.
2 A famous Actor named Amitabh going for the outing but suddenly people saw him and lots of crowd surround his car in all direction and wanted to come out and give autographs but the crowd is very large due to this one traffic inspector suresh came and controls the crowd and let the car go,due to this bravery of suresh he is later awarded.


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