Answer for Online PPDT story writing practice to pass SSB

Attempted By : vivek pasulaAnswered on : 28 Jun 2019
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1 PPDT picture for SSB practice The characters present in the story are a woman and a child. The Woman was pampering the child and was making her sleep in a cradle. My action story would be, Sujatha belong to a middle class family. Her husband was doing a small job in a factory. One day sujatha was pregnant and was about to give birth. Her husband wants a baby boy, as his family is poor and boy would be the rightful requirement. But his bad luck, he became father to a baby child. Sujatha did not have any concerns with the girl. His husband started hating the baby, and during that time sujatha pampered her and took all the responsibilities. She used to teach her and helped her study for her aims. One day she became a great fashion designer by the efforts and support from her mother. She took the financial resposibility of the home and proved her dad that a girl is no lesser than a boy. Mother sujatha treated a baby as a baby instead of discriminating on gender basis. She knew that proper education and proper guidance can tune any child in a proper way. So the take away from the story can be a girl is not lesser than a boy. Proper hardwork and proper guidance from teachers and parents can always tune children in proper way. One need to take the responsibility of the family as it is one's family. So family first, who ever it may be.


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