Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : Satyajit SahuAnswered on : 12 May 2021
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test There is a old woman of age 60 years reading about an old man Ritesh that how he has worked his full life and made a path by cutting the mountains. The thing that motivated his the death of his wife because of no medical facility available in his village and he was unable to take her to the hospital on time because of the mountain. Then he decided that no other villagers should suffer like him, so he started cutting the mountain. At first all the villagers were laughing at him, instead of helping him and motivating him all were telling him that he can't do but his determination and hardwork and thinking of never lose hope makes him to cut the mountain and at last after 25 years he made a path between the mountain alone and then when government came to know about it they appreciated him. They also apologised him for his wife loss and media printed his story in their newspaper to motivate others and that old lady was one among those people who is reading his story.


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