Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : Ayush SaxenaAnswered on : 26 May 2021
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1 Online PPDT practice test what is see in the picture is that there are 2 male character, both are in positive mood.Let us consider their name as Mahesh and Suresh.There ages are 62 and 28 years old.Mahesh who has been retired from the Indian Army from the post of colonel is going for morning walk where he see his friend youngest son is reading the newspaper. He later talk to him as he came to know that he is preparaing for civil service examination and is working hard to crack it. Mahesh guides him on how to make notes of current affairs and also about the editorial section that how he could enjoy reading the newspaper instead just finishing it like a task.Suresh feel delighted and confident after talking to Colonel Uncle Mahesh and he tell his experience to his father on reaching home that he met his old friend today. Moreover the guidance proved to be very helpful as he cleared the exam this time.


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