Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : vivek mauryaAnswered on : 21 Feb 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test ramesh was a private worker in his young days he could not earn more money after his marriage he had a lot of burden n his head so he always went down in the burden of borrow after sme time when he was fifty yyear old than his sons send him out than the road was his house after some time he thought of improving the status of old mans so he assembled the commity of old man and written a letter to the prime minister for old age home and for the security and insurances for unorganised worker pensiion after his grivance was accepted and the government alloted many old age home and also allotet oension as this the old man help himself and also of others.aand the pensin helped them and their sns were greeded by the pension and were ready to serve their parents forever .


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