Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : parveenkumarAnswered on : 02 Apr 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test There are two characters in this picture. One is male with 70 age and other is female with 60 age. They both are married to each other. The female house wife and male was working out of the town they won't have kids. So, what ever male work and earn he forwarded to his wife. This was a long time male wont came home. Female daily reading newspaper not because of getting knowledge of surroundings. But she only seeing one page where her husband is working. What is going on in that particular area. Either everything is fine or not. This make her happy to see one page of newspaper. One day when male was coming from company realized its long time I have not been my village. He decided to go back into his village and meet his pretty wife. That was a happiest moment for that old guy.


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