Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : HemAnswered on : 01 Oct 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test This story contains one main character named Muni who is a old homeless beggar and a side character named Javed who is a street photographer. Muni was quite old and used to beg on streets for his living. Despite being poor and homeless Muni was quite knowledgeable and intelligent .Muni used to collect newspapers and used to read it with interest. One fine day a man named Javed was travelling and was capturing photographs for his new event . While taking pictures he saw Muni who was reading newspaper he went there and asked Muni for his pictures ,Muni agreed .On having conversations with Muni Javed came to know that Muni despite being very poor is very intelligent ,Impressed by Muni Javed asked Muni to accompany him ,He wanted to maje munis condition good, so he took him fir auditions for a quiz competion where muni participated and won a huge cash prize which improved his life further.Muni after winning cash prize helped other poor and homeless people after that and lived a happy and peaceful life . He was always thankful to Javed who improved his life and gave him a


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