Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : BalajiAnswered on : 26 Dec 2020
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test Once there lived a wise man old monk who preached observation learning, he wanted to learn the details of world by observing them closely so he decided to travel all along the world with some of his luggage and a water carrier while passing through a local town he watches a middel aged woman reading a newspaper with details of financial crisis of that country, looling at the curiosity and knowledge seeking approach of the local people he tries to start a conversation with that lady in order to know more about their people's mentality, while looking at the lady the monk judges her to be a person with mediocre education but with a aspiration of learning, and after talking with the lady he realises the people are not accessible to higher education due to econmic reasons and financial status but can be very progressive if they get a chance of higher education, he later leave concluding the people's mentality


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