Answer for Online SSB PPDT Story Writing Practice Picture - 3

Attempted By : muddana thanoj kriAnswered on : 07 Feb 2018
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1 Online PPDT test charcters : 4 M 30 positive 1 M 35 POSITIVE 1 M 11 NEGATIVE Anvesh is a student in SAINIk SCHOOL.he got very poor marks in last annul examinations so the department of school decided to call his parents and to inform about him. Anvesh is a bit scared about that as his father works very hard to pay his fees and he is not able to live up to his fathers's expectations. As anvesh is very young the staff knows that this is growing stage,they want to inculcate positive qualities in him by motivating him and as his father is there he will also support if he knows everything about institute. So the teachers told anvesh how to manage his timetable table with appropriate time for studies and sports which will make him refresh and be positive. along with they suggested his father to help anvesh while studying in home. Late this year anvesh is very good academically and even in sports.thus, the motivation of the school departmenr


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