Answer for Online SSB PPDT Story Writing Practice Picture - 3

Attempted By : vivek pasulaAnswered on : 03 Jul 2019
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1 Online PPDT test The Picture presented consists of a a panel comprising 4 judges, and a person i call him as host, and a boy who is the hero of the story. The boy is aged between 12-15. There is a school named Nirmaan, the school has got a chance to present a speech in front of the newly elected chief minister's meeting. So it decided to make auditions for 5-10 members from the school giving responsibility to each class teacher. The boy Bharat, is the an all-rounder in the school, though lacking a bit in studies, he is fearless and does not have stage fear. He is involved in NSS so that he is jovial with everyone and can speak boldly with anyone. He was also nominated for the speech. Bharat prepared for the speech two days prior and was practicing it day and night. He also made it reviewed by many other teachers and his father as well, he improved his voice and practiced speaking on mic as well. With All the efforts the panel selected him in the auditions for the speech at the chief ministers function, The boy is rewarded by the chief minister and he brought appreciations to the school. The takeaway's can be practice and efforts must be laid in order to achieve success. One must look and take inputs from all the directions, which is nothing but 360 degree approach.


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