Answer for Online SSB PPDT Story Writing Practice Set -4

Attempted By : vivek pasulaAnswered on : 05 Jul 2019
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1 Online PPDT Story Writing Practice There are two characters in the story that are visible. One is a boy aged between 15-18 and other is a girl aged between 10-12. My action story would be there lived a family in a village. The family was doing a lot of hard work, they were selling plants. The parents loved their children to the most. They provided them with whatever they required and sacrificed everything for the happiness of their kids. Once they got a contract to make 1000 plants. The family took the contract. but accidentally the father was sick and stopped the work. The contract would cost their small business reputation. The kids heard about father sickness and contract and they decided among themselves that they will finish the contract. They worked the whole day and night and completed the assignment. They gave this as a surprise to the family. The picture above shows their work while preparing plants. The takeaways can be one should be responsible for the family. Family is just not parents it also includes children.


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