Answer for Online SSB PPDT Story Writing Practice Set -6

Attempted By : Roshan Patel Answered on : 18 Jul 2018
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Ram is the big business man of our country, he and his wife has no children, both are love children by heart and Ram is a innocent and honest person he ran our Ngo with wife name both are come in our Ngo every evening for giving books, chocolate, toys etc for children and also made a school for this children, both are adopt a one of a child in the our ngo, they give equal love to all children.


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Commented By : Roshan Patel       Member Level : Bronze      Commented On : 18-Jul-2018       Points : 2      

Ram is the big business man of our country, he and his wife has no children, both are love children by heart and Ram is a innocent and honest person he ran our Ngo with wife name both are come in our Ngo every evening for giving books, chocolate, toys etc for children and also made a school for this children, both are adopt a one of a child in the our ngo, they give equal love to all children.

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