Answer for Online SSB PPDT Story Writing Practice Set -6

Attempted By : priya12Answered on : 03 Mar 2019
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1 ramini is a meritorius student of her class she is also the class monitor of her class ,one fine day the whole class went on a trip to fare ,being the class monitor that she was alongside having fun she was keeing an eye on her classmates, in due process of that she spotted a duo that looked like father and son but on close inspection she founfd out that kid was trying to break free from the grasp of man and dog was barking non stop , she got the idea that someething was amiss so she informed her teacher who then understood the grivity of situation and then called local police situated nearby . The police captured the man and later it was revealed that man was trying to steal the kid . for her far superb skill of observation and bravery she was awarded the bravery award . and then she beacame ideal for other kids and all those peoplee who choose ti ignore over


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