Answer for Online SSB PPDT Story Writing Practice Set -6

Attempted By : Kishore Kumar NAnswered on : 16 Oct 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Ragu a gentle men with a family. He is a very good student with academics as well as in vollyball game. As he was from a poor family, he used to study in a concentrated manner. In 10th and 12th he scored very good marks. He pursued MBA after his B.com with schloarship from State government. Now he became a business man with wealth and also got married. One day he went to a orphanage with his family consists of wife and children to celebrate his child's birthday. They offered the meal, sweets and cakes. They asked the management of the orphanage about the routine and financial needs. They also offered donation to the orphange. He also volunteered to take charge of sick and good acadamic students finance. The management thanked him and appreciated for his act. He become a role model to all as the one who gives the helping hands to the needy.


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