Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : chandini bhatAnswered on : 01 Mar 2021
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1 Speak A person may take some time to speak with unknwn person
2 Bonding Bonding between parents and children is very nice to see
3 Treat A person must be treated with dignity irrespective of who he is
4 Fool Rule is a rule even for a fool
5 Begger A begger is someone who has ruled out all the options he has got and stuck to the option of b
6 Fear Do good and fear for nothing
7 Bond A bond between parents and child is unbreakable
8 Frighten I frighten to lightenings
9 Write I like to write in cursive form so that I can save time
10 Try Try try try until you reach your goal.
11 Coward Being a coward at situation is not a desirable thing to do
12 Lie Lying to save a person from a. Negative impact is not a bad
13 Act Acting according to situation is
14 Grim Usually boys grim
15 Labor Women are paid less for their daily labor wh
16 Zeal A person must have a zeal to achieve something
17 Clue It's easier for a police to inspect when he has a clue
18 Dry Physics is a dry subject
19 Weak Weakness is projected when a person wants it to be
20 Truth Truth and non violence was preached by mahatma gandhi ji
21 Excellent I likwd to get excellent remarks during my school days
22 Argue Arguing never leads to the victory
23 Figure Whenever a target is fixed respectable figure is a must to be obtained
24 Primary Formaldehyde is a made from primary alcohol
25 Guilty A person must feel guilty whenever he has done a mist
26 Trouble Children nowadays are getting into trouble because of electronic gadgets
27 React Reacting quickly to the negative things around people is a common thing which must be reduced
28 Law Our country has a very good law system which is very elaborate
29 Seal Those matters which shouldn't be told to others must be sealed in
30 Destination Whichever Path maybe. Destination is the important one
31 Tiger There are a lot of tigers in northern indi
32 Victory Victory is where a person wins. But not losing may also be called victory
33 Meet I like to meet my friends at least once a month
34 Beg Begging according to me is not good. Since it devalues
35 History History in the minds of Indian people refers to Britishers
36 Jail Jail is a place where criminals belong to.
37 Viper I'm not sure what a viper is
38 Hurt It is common for people to get hurt. But have to recover soon for that is not the end of their life
39 Drama Usually women are accused of creating drama Which is not true according to me
40 Cry Crying is an emotion which shouldn't be held long
41 Poor Poverty is not a ultimatum but just a mindset
42 Quick A quick answer is must in this exam
43 Excess A person with excess knowledge may also fail if he won't use it properly
44 Traitor A friend can be anything but a traitor.
45 Brave I like to be brave even in the situations where I couldn't be
46 Sweet I've got a number of friends who are really sweet
47 Win Participation is the most important thing than winning
48 Father Father is someone who sacrifice his happiness for their children
49 Read Reading in between the lines is a talent
50 Team Team work is better than individual work when it can't be completed
51 Offer Whenever someone is beside you and you want to eat something i
52 Snake My mother once had caught a snake which was under my bed
53 Ambush There was a huge ambush when the p
54 Detail Every question asked is better to be answered in detail so the other person understands
55 Dream My dream is to make my parents proud of me.
56 Kill It is really difficult to kill a misquito using bare hands
57 Ground Every school must have a good size of a groud for students to play
58 Criminal Politics nowadays is a breeding ground for criminals
59 Answer Whenever someone asks something it is imd to answer
60 Play Football is a very good game to play.


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