Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : Aziz AhmedAnswered on : 10 Mar 2024
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1 Speak truth spoken is appreciated in the end.
2 Bonding trade ties create strong bonds among the nations.
3 Treat friends are ment to givetreats on their
4 Fool Pyramid schemers are trying to fool college students.
5 Begger many NGO's are trying to help street beggers in order to provide clothing and food.
6 Fear the fear of failure in life will keep us away from bad habits.
7 Bond mutual trade agreements help to strengthen the bonds between the nations.
8 Frighten everyone in the village is frightened of the ghost stories.
9 Write habit of writting a journal every day improves vocabulary and language proficiency.
10 Try trying again and again will eventually lead to success.
11 Coward only a coward will be afraid to serve his nation.
12 Lie lies told in the courthouse took the attention from the truth.
13 Act thinking doesn't get us anywhere. acting on it does.
14 Grim the story of the grim reaper caused many to be afraid in the village.
15 Labor the labor work force planned strikes for a improve work enviroment.
16 Zeal kids must have enough oppurtunities to understand their zeal i
17 Clue even the slightest clue will help the detective to solve the case.
18 Dry the dry ice is used to create bullet trains based on semiconductor engines.
19 Weak financially strongs are responsible for helping the weak.
20 Truth a bi truth is always appreciated more than a lie.
21 Excellent the research work conducted to understand the nature of stars shows excellent results.
22 Argue being silent and listenis better than an argument.
23 Figure the explained figure shows how the universe is expanding.
24 Primary The primary objective for a nation is to reduce unemployment and poverty.
25 Guilty the accused of theft proved guilty in the courthouse.
26 Trouble with clear mind a solution can be forged to get out of trouble.
27 React chameleon's body reacts to its surrounding in order to hide.
28 Law the law helps to bring justice to even those who don't believe in it.
29 Seal the door seal on the lunar module was checked properly for crew's safety.
30 Destination enjoy the journey before reaching the destination.
31 Tiger Big cat alliance was launched to save the species of tigers and cats all over the world.
32 Victory allied parties were victorious in WWII against dictatorship and fascism.
33 Meet the meeting to cease fire held in between the countries at war.
34 Beg beg only to god.
35 History History teaches us the mistakes and wars of our forefathers.
36 Jail the design of jails are improved to make them more secure and less vulnerable.
37 Viper viper snake are preserved in order to proct them from poa
38 Hurt countries tried to hurt the accused country with sanctions.
39 Drama the drama created for social experiment proved to be helpful.
40 Cry A holy man cries in front of god for help.
41 Poor with loop holes in democracy the rich will get richer and poor will get poorer.
42 Quick the test was designed to understand the candidate's quick response on words.
43 Excess Excess of everything is cautious to the body.
44 Traitor life imprisonment is the punishment for treason.
45 Brave the bravest of the brave are protecting the nation.
46 Sweet good conversation skills seems very sweet to ears.
47 Win never give up in order to fulfill dreams.
48 Father Father is an idol for his children.
49 Read the habit of book reading is very rare these days.
50 Team team work helps to get multiple opinions on a stituation.
51 Offer the shop owner attracts the passerby with offers on various
52 Snake snake represents cunning behaviour in human nature.
53 Ambush timely precautions saves the patroling party from a planned ambush.
54 Detail the detail of the painting shows the experience of the artist.
55 Dream dreams transformed into thoughts which leads to hard work.
56 Kill corruptions kills talent and justice.
57 Ground The ground-breaking images of a black hole stuns the world.
58 Criminal Govt. made special measures to reduce criminal activities in nation.
59 Answer Man's unending desire to understand the nature opens the door of all the answers
60 Play Playing sports instill the qualities of brotherhood and competitiveness.


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