Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : ApoorvaAnswered on : 15 Jun 2018
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1 Speak I can speak to save my life.
2 Bonding My bonding with my father is very strong.
3 Treat Treat can be a noun or a verb.
4 Fool He is a fool to have walked towards the snake.
5 Begger A beggar is someone who begs.
6 Fear Exams create fear in the minds of students.
7 Bond Bond is a connection which may be used in a lot of contexts.
8 Frighten To frighten is to scare someone.
9 Write I'm writing a test right now.
10 Try Try and try until you succeed.
11 Coward Coward is a person who has no courage.
12 Lie Lying is a bad quality.
13 Act To act is to emote through an action
14 Grim Grim is a mix of angry and irritated
15 Labor A pregnant woman goes into labor before delivering the baby.
16 Zeal Zeal is exhibiting excellent qualities.
17 Clue Clues make it easier to find the answer.
18 Dry Desserts are dry places.
19 Weak Weakness can always be a negative point against one
20 Truth Truth always triumphs
21 Excellent excellent is an adjective
22 Argue To argue is to speak for something you disagree about
23 Figure Figure can be a verb or a noun.
24 Primary Primary means basic or first.
25 Guilty Guilt is a feeling which comes ones you feel bad for something you have done
26 Trouble Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you
27 React React is to respond to an act.
28 Law Every responsible citizen should follow the laws
29 Seal Seal is a sea animal.
30 Destination The journey is more important than the destination.
31 Tiger Tiger is the national animal of India
32 Victory Victory is a feeling experienced when one wins.
33 Meet Meeting new people improves your social interaction
34 Beg Beggers beg for money
35 History History is about the past
36 Jail Jail is a place where one pays for their bad actions
37 Viper Viper is a type of snake
38 Hurt Hurt is a genuine emotion felt by people when they are let down
39 Drama Drama is anything which is too emotive.
40 Cry Crying is showcasing of a strong emotion
41 Poor Poor is one who doesnt have friends
42 Quick Quick is an action which is a reaction
43 Excess excess is too much something
44 Traitor Traitor is a quality possessed by a negative minded weak person
45 Brave Brave is the new handsome
46 Sweet sweet is one among the various tastes felt by the taste buds in the tongue
47 Win to win truly is to be truthful
48 Father father is the first teacher
49 Read reading is a good habit.
50 Team team work is a great way of winning
51 Offer to offer help is a good quality
52 Snake snake is a reptile
53 Ambush
54 Detail god is in the detail
55 Dream dreams come true
56 Kill immoral irrational crime
57 Ground earth gravity land
58 Criminal immoral irrational crime
59 Answer response
60 Play sportive free spirited


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