Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : SubhamAnswered on : 22 Jun 2018
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Speak Command over language boost confidence.
2 Bonding Army creates deep boning in commer
3 Treat Disciplined child treats parents with respect.
4 Fool Smart people cannot be fooled easily.
5 Begger Pakistan is begger state.
6 Fear Overcome the fear of failure.
7 Bond Bond developed in Armed forces is remained the lifetime.
8 Frighten Conceal the frighten.
9 Write Writing helps to express thoughts in the better way.
10 Try Tying with efforts brings success.
11 Coward Coward has no place in Armed forces.
12 Lie Telling Lie never helps.
13 Act Quick action is required in the war to win.
14 Grim
15 Labor Proving primary Eductaion removes child labor
16 Zeal Zeal motivates to work more.
17 Clue Complex problem can be solved with one clue.
18 Dry Rainwater harvesting helps in drought.
19 Weak Weakness is overcome by constant efforts.
20 Truth Speaking Truth earns trust
21 Excellent Indian has excellent chance in IT sector.
22 Argue Valid arguments are accepted in court.
23 Figure Figurs and fact help to take the right decision.
24 Primary Primary education molds child's behavior.
25 Guilty
26 Trouble Help friend in trouble
27 React Reacing bravely helps to dilute the tense situation
28 Law Abiding law helps to maintain law and order.
29 Seal Exam papers come in the seal.
30 Destination
31 Tiger Save tiger mission helps to protect wild life
32 Victory India won many medals in commonwealth games 2018
33 Meet Meeting with old friend feels good.
34 Beg Pakistan is beggar country.
35 History Learning from history avoid mistakes.
36 Jail Criminals are found in jail
37 Viper Viper is found in jungles
38 Hurt First aid to hurt saves blood.
39 Drama Drama serials don't help anyone.
40 Cry Warcry encourages soldiers in war.
41 Poor Wealth people helps poor
42 Quick Quick action saves the life in the accident.
43 Excess Excess of sugar cause disease.
44 Traitor The traitor has no respect in Society.
45 Brave Vikram Batra showed exemplary bravery in kargil war.
46 Sweet more Sweets can cause diabetes.
47 Win Consistent efforts bring victory.
48 Father Father is strength pillar for child.
49 Read Reading good books increase knowledge.
50 Team Team spirit helps to achieve common goal
51 Offer Shops offer the best deal in festivals.
53 Ambush amry ambushes on terrorist
54 Detail minute detail is important while in operation.
55 Dream hard work is required to achieve dreams
56 Kill soldiers kill the enemy.
57 Ground terrorists are losing ground in Kashmir
58 Criminal criminal is put in jails
59 Answer success is the right answer to failure.
60 Play playing sports make our body fit


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