Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : Vikram RathiAnswered on : 23 Mar 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Speak speak clarly in
2 Bonding bonding required between relations
3 Treat treat peron according to his behaviour
4 Fool fool people repeate it mistakes
5 Begger begger problem is to be resolved through their rehabilation
6 Fear fear of law should be in miscrents
7 Bond bond of love incresae the life of relations
8 Frighten teroorists frightned the people in j&k
9 Write writing practice help in incresing speed and good hand writ
10 Try try best and rest leave on god
11 Coward cowardness and bravery are opposite to each other
12 Lie life of lie is very short.
13 Act armed forces act accoring to strategy not emotions
14 Grim gr
15 Labor labour work is more than demand in india
16 Zeal zeal and enthuasism required in soldier for happiness
17 Clue CBI takes small clue for solving major cases
18 Dry dry weather is in north during jun-july
19 Weak major reforms required for weaker section of society.
20 Truth truth is bitter but it liked by everybody later
21 Excellent excellent marks achieved by me in maths
22 Argue never argue without surety of facts
23 Figure figure out the solut
24 Primary primary objective of Ujjawala scheme is for envornment
25 Guilty rapist be felt gui
26 Trouble troublance is faced sometime
27 React reaction of soldiers in amazing in b
28 Law every citizen is abide by law of constitution
29 Seal seal the important offices before leaving
30 Destination destination of fate is unknown for everyone
31 Tiger tiger species are in danger and need to be preserved
32 Victory india gained victory in kargil war.
33 Meet meeting friends after long time gives happiness
34 Beg beg padon after mistake
35 History indian history is very interesting and proudful
36 Jail criminals are kept in jail for punishment
37 Viper viper snake is most dangerous species in snakes
38 Hurt don't hurt anyone sentiments
39 Drama drama played by our team was appreciated by evedrr
40 Cry war cry increase josh in soldiers
41 Poor poverty can be removed from indian after achieving good economy
42 Quick quick decisions need to be taken in war
43 Excess excess wealth increase tension
44 Traitor traitor use bangaedesh border in entering indian
45 Brave brave people take risk in achieving targets.
46 Sweet sweet increase cholesterol in the body
47 Win winning the match against pakistan is best for cic
48 Father father of computer is Charles babage
49 Read read newspaper daily for increasing general knowledge
50 Team team work is necessary in achieving goals
51 Offer A good offer is to be accepted
52 Snake snakes are mostly found in jungles
53 Ambush
54 Detail details of plan to be briefed to every soldier for better results
55 Dream no body can achieve the target without dreaming it
56 Kill terroristes are killed by security personnel in J&K
57 Ground ground playing is more efficient
58 Criminal criminals are to be investigated through lase
59 Answer answer the questions in genuine manner
60 Play playing games is good habbit


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