Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : Archika GuptaAnswered on : 25 Jul 2019
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1 Speak speaking for your rights and of the needy is good
2 Bonding bonding in family gives a great environmemt
3 Treat watching a movie after is a treat
4 Fool online fraud is awy of foolinf people by ads
5 Begger organised and forced beggary is a sin with children
6 Fear fear is a part but stopping due to it is the real fear
7 Bond the bond of friendship maintained makes you happy
8 Frighten once frightened to face exam now fenjoys the same
9 Write writing stories and experiences enrich your skills
10 Try failure does not limit your capaability to try and succeed
11 Coward cowards cannot do and justice to self and others
12 Lie liying to oneslef is a dangerous
13 Act less to imagine more to act more to experience
14 Grim grimming in a situation is necessary to plan
15 Labor emographic dividend of indias has a huge potential for labour force
16 Zeal zeal is the passion which makes you crave to work and accom
17 Clue focus is the key to get out of clueless feeling whil
18 Dry dry framing is one such concept coming because of drought conditions
19 Weak dont let failures weaken your self belief
20 Truth never be afaid to aceepet the truth
21 Excellent launch of chandrayaan 2 is an excellent example in space achievememt of india
22 Argue arguement should not be heated to such level to leave no conclusion rather
23 Figure abdul lalam is an inspirational figure to learn from
24 Primary the primary sector in india is a major contributor in gdp
25 Guilty thinking before committing lessen the chances of guilt
26 Trouble facing trouble in managing time is a distress so paln
27 React recating in any situation hastily leads to bad decisions
28 Law law is a reflection unjust happenings in society nd measure to correct it
29 Seal the seals founf in harappa are a source of thoe days economy
30 Destination destination should be enjoyed along with the journey
31 Tiger the bengal tiger is nations pride and we need to conserve it
32 Victory we celebrate indias victory in war , sports and
33 Meet the alumni meet of college is a cheerful experience
34 Beg begging is no more a crime according to delhi high court
35 History history is a source of our past and its teachings
36 Jail jail reforms are a necessary change which is being implemented like open jail
37 Viper viper's venom is deadly
38 Hurt try not to hurt closed onesemotionally
39 Drama the epic dramas are good to watch
40 Cry crying is an emotional dwelling but not everytime
41 Poor in india conditions of poors is getting better
42 Quick decision making should be quick but not in haste
43 Excess excess of anything is injurious
44 Traitor one must be aware of traitors
45 Brave bravery is a outcome of belief courage
46 Sweet sweet tooth might lead to health problems
47 Win winning and losing both are part of life, winning gives you confidence
48 Father father the essential pillar of life
49 Read reading is a good habit to inculcate
50 Team a coordinated team accomplishes a task more efficiently
51 Offer offering plants as a gift is a great idea
52 Snake india was once known as land of snake charmers
53 Ambush one such way of attack making attack vulnerable
54 Detail going into the minute detailing of any subject gives deep insight
55 Dream dream big and stay awake and work hard to achieve it
56 Kill how to kill a mockingbird is one famous novel to read
57 Ground ground realities should be known to us
58 Criminal criminal justice system is the backbone of justice and law and
59 Answer we should be answerable to ourselves first
60 Play playing is an essential part of my routine


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