Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : ANKIT RAJAnswered on : 02 Oct 2019
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Speak Ram speaks very fluently.
2 Bonding graphite's layer have weak bonding.
3 Treat The monks treated him well.
4 Fool Ram made me fool.
5 Begger We should not ignore the beggers.
6 Fear Ram have fear from the dark.
7 Bond Friendship is the strongest bond.
8 Frighten Deer are frightened of a lion.
9 Write Write a program of factorial in cpp.
10 Try Keep trying until and unless you get success.
11 Coward Rat become coward infron
12 Lie We should never tell lie.
13 Act Act 377 gets passed in India.
14 Grim
15 Labor Labor are true gold of our country.
16 Zeal He is in Zeal.
17 Clue He needs clue to solve the puzzle.
18 Dry In this season skins become dry.
19 Weak Everyone has their weak points.
20 Truth We should always speak the truth.
21 Excellent He worked excellent so thAT he won the medal.
22 Argue Never argue with your parents.
23 Figure This Figure is hazy.
24 Primary Primary education is very important.
25 Guilty One who feels guilty should apologize.
26 Trouble Poverty is the biggest trouble in india.
27 React Never react quick until to get the info.
28 Law Every citizen should follow the law.
29 Seal This bottle is tightly sealed.
30 Destination Everyone works hard to rea their destination.
31 Tiger Tiger is India's national animal.
32 Victory India enjoyed their victory against pakistan
33 Meet I am going to meet Mr. Modi.
34 Beg Don't beg in front anyone
35 History i love to read history
36 Jail They have to go to jail for punishment
37 Viper
38 Hurt The wound hurts a lot.
39 Drama Children give an important message by their drama
40 Cry Boys are crying.
41 Poor India is not a poor country.
42 Quick A quick brown fox jump over a lazy dog.
43 Excess Excess of everything is bad.
44 Traitor eagle are traitors.
45 Brave You should stand brave in
46 Sweet Too many sweets are dangerous.
47 Win to win one should must be dedicated
48 Father Father is the first hero of their children.
49 Read Read the instruction carefully.
50 Team For winning team should perfirm well.
51 Offer I was very to get the offer by Wipro company.
52 Snake snake comes under reptiles.
53 Ambush
54 Detail please complete the details about your self.
55 Dream Dream are only happen unless
56 Kill Try to kill your negativity.
57 Ground outdoor games must be play in the ground
58 Criminal criminal are the terminators of the society.
59 Answer Truth is always the bst
60 Play i love to play cricket.


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