Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : Atharv SharmaAnswered on : 13 May 2020
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1 Speak Speak when a chance is given.
2 Bonding Bonding defines depth of relationship.
3 Treat every indian citizen is treated with equlit
4 Fool Patience is necessary while talking t
5 Begger beggers have made begging a profession.
6 Fear Fear is uplifting.
7 Bond friendship dwells on a good bond.
8 Frighten Bats get frightened on seeing humans.
9 Write Writing improves handwriting.
10 Try i don't quit without trying.
11 Coward coward men reach nowhere.
12 Lie White lies are spoken by prisoners.
13 Act prevention of corruption act was
14 Grim bears are grimmy.
15 Labor labors struggled a lot during corona
16 Zeal Zeal drives person beyond his limits
17 Clue sometimes clues are imp
18 Dry Dry skin causes inflimation
19 Weak Weak are to lifted and not crushed.
20 Truth SPEAKING Truth is a virtue
21 Excellent Excellent work is appreciated by all.
22 Argue arguing with parents is a bad habit.
23 Figure Figures are with different number of sides
24 Primary Agriculture is a primary source of income for villagers.
25 Guilty Sure short guilty convict is also given opportuinty
26 Trouble trouble is big sometimes
27 React Reaction to a situation should be with a sense of calm.
28 Law himachal pradesh is a state with law abiding citizens
29 Seal High court judges has its seperate seal
30 Destination journey is total de
31 Tiger tiger is confused with lion by child
32 Victory victory tunnel in shimla holds sentimental value
33 Meet greeting namste is a new way to
34 Beg Children should not be allowed to beg.
35 History History is a vast subject.
36 Jail Jail is not obly for punishment but also for recreation
37 Viper viper is one of the most dangerous snake
38 Hurt first aid is necessary whn a person gets hurt
39 Drama romeo an juliet is a good drama
40 Cry first cry of a baby brings happines in famil
41 Poor ram is kind towards poor.
42 Quick Decisions are to be taken quickly but not hurriedly.
43 Excess Excess of anything is bad for a person.
44 Traitor Traitor should be punished accorindg to law
45 Brave bravery is imor
46 Sweet West bengal is popular for its sweet qusine
47 Win iAim to win everytime
48 Father My father is my idol.
49 Read reading is a good hobbi
50 Team Basketball is a team game and not an indvidual soprt.
51 Offer ac t of offer is not complete until it is accepted.
52 Snake australia has the most venmous snakes
53 Ambush proper cover is to be taken during ambush.
54 Detail every detail of form should be filled correct
55 Dream Memories are the dreams you see with open eyes.
56 Kill killing time is wasting opportunities.
57 Ground ground floor is reserved for parking
58 Criminal criminal also have some fundamental right
59 Answer ram answered all questions correctly.
60 Play playing is good for children.


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