Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : Darshan DoshiAnswered on : 28 Oct 2020
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1 Speak Everybody clapped for Raju after his speech.
2 Bonding Trust is the most strongest bo
3 Treat Raman treats his mother like goddess
4 Fool Ramesh makes me fool
5 Begger Ramans father being poor works hard to earn.
6 Fear He tried to control his dog.
7 Bond Ramesh and his mother shares a strong bond.
8 Frighten He is frightened to speak lie.
9 Write Ramesh writes excellent quotes.
10 Try Try try but don't cry
11 Coward Ram handled the situation.
12 Lie Raman never lies to his parents.
13 Act Audience clapped for Rohits act.
14 Grim Grim grim grim grim.
15 Labor As a parent Raman takes care of his child .
16 Zeal Not again. I don't know what it means.
17 Clue He has no clue to deal with the situation.
18 Dry Rajan loves to eat cashew k
19 Weak He has learned to be strong .
20 Truth He told his wife about his affair before marriage.
21 Excellent Arjun is very good at acting.
22 Argue He listens to his senior quietly.
23 Figure Rohit was very good at drawing figures.
24 Primary His child is in a primary school.
25 Guilty After scolding to his son father felt guilty.
26 Trouble His friend always helps him.
27 React He smile after seeing his father coming for
28 Law Law is useful
29 Seal He returned the bottle without the seal.
30 Destination I just have boarded the train.
31 Tiger He is as strong as tiger.
32 Victory Doctor tried very hard to save him.
33 Meet We had a get together after a long time.
34 Beg The kind child gave food to the needed.
35 History History is boring
36 Jail Rohit got bail for 5 days.
37 Viper Too hard questions.
38 Hurt Rahul got hurt while playing football.
39 Drama Every house
40 Cry After a hard try the child laughed.
41 Poor Amit will become a rich person.
42 Quick Ajay was quick in reading.
43 Excess He is becoming fatter than
44 Traitor I am not able to recall its meaning.
45 Brave Amol and his friend saved a dog from being drowning
46 Sweet Amols father just had sugar checkup
47 Win Amol tried very hard to win chess game
48 Father Amit will soon get married.
49 Read As a student amol was afraid of reading infromy of class
50 Team Amit and his team won the football match.
51 Offer Amit has enough shoppin
52 Snake Not all snakes are poisonous.
53 Ambush I don't know what ambush means.
54 Detail A responsible citizen should have ev
55 Dream Yesterday I had a good sleep.
56 Kill Amit have just attended a
57 Ground He wakes up early in the morning to play cricket
58 Criminal Every criminal has some cause
59 Answer He is rude and never gives proper answer
60 Play Shahrukh Khan started from small screen.


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