Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : Akhilesh kukretiAnswered on : 24 Nov 2020
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Speak The speaker told all the ministers to sit on their seats and speak turnwise.
2 Bonding The chemical bonding between CH3 is sp2.
3 Treat India has =finally started to treat China as a serious threat.
4 Fool Only a fool will brag about his plans before executing them.
5 Begger The son of a begger got
6 Fear Fear is a necessary attribute for success.
7 Bond James Bond is the coolest American Agent there is
8 Frighten The Joker in the haunted house frightened the children.
9 Write I write sometimes in my free time .
10 Try If i will not clear this exam i will try harder next time.
11 Coward Indian Army is no place for cowards.
12 Lie A lie coated in sweet words is much more worse than anything
13 Act the act of
14 Grim That grim smile of him was enough to say that he was ill.
15 Labor The Labour laws were made strict again in UP this month.
16 Zeal
17 Clue All that Sherlok needed
18 Dry This summer was so dry and humid that the aggriculture department suffered a loss
19 Weak it is the responsibility of the team to take its weak player i
20 Truth A harsh truth is always better than sweet lies.
21 Excellent My best friend has an excellent choice and a good taste in clothes
22 Argue The boys argued with the teachers so they got punished.
23 Figure The figure clearly stated that there were two boys
24 Primary The Primary feature of JAVA is that it was platform independant.
25 Guilty My guilty pleasure is that i eat all the snacks in my fridge when
26 Trouble I was having trouble with my project so I asked help from my seniors.
27 React React is a front end technology i used with java on this project.
28 Law Law is equal for everyone in this country.
29 Seal We were not supposed to broke the seal on the paper befor the bell rang.
30 Destination Final Destination series was my favourite movie series till 10th standard.
31 Tiger Tiger is the national animal of India.
32 Victory India came victorious in the 1999 kargil war with Pakistan.
33 Meet There is more than what meets the eye with the latest weapon system
34 Beg he chose to work than to beg
35 History Mughal History is an important part of syllabus
36 Jail Tihar Jail is one of the most strict jail system in our country.
37 Viper voipers are dangerous snakes
38 Hurt One player got hurt himself while playing and got hospitaliz
39 Drama
40 Cry
41 Poor A poor choice of words by the Parliament ministers of UO were se
42 Quick a quick decision by the captain saved our men in arms in the valley.
43 Excess Excess of freedom can spoil a child.
44 Traitor Brutus was a traitor since he backstabbed Ceasar.
45 Brave Brevity is one of the major aspect of a soldier.
46 Sweet A bitter truth is always better than a sweet lie .
47 Win One must win the battles faught inside his own mind
48 Father Mahatma Gandhi is Known as the father of our nation
49 Read I have just started to read books and my favourite writer is
50 Team A team of football coni
51 Offer A generous offer was made by our country in the last summit
52 Snake King Cobra which is found in india is one of the venemoius snake in the world
53 Ambush The soldiers at the jungle were ambushed by the enemy
54 Detail Details of the airstrike at neighbouring country were not made public
55 Dream A dream is a version of reality which is yet to come .
56 Kill soldiers love by choice and kill by profession
57 Ground Play ground was one of my favourite place to be in childhood.
58 Criminal Smooth criminal is one of my favourite song of Late Micheal Jackson
59 Answer The answer to every question is hidden in your mind
60 Play cristaino ronaldo play football professionally .


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