Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : AnjaliAnswered on : 01 Jan 2021
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1 Speak think before you speak
2 Bonding India and US are trying to improve and strenghten their bond
3 Treat treating the ellow and opposite team members in a good way is sportsman ship
4 Fool Fooling others can be easy but fooling self is not possible.
5 Begger being a fighter for your tights is bettbeing a begger of rights
6 Fear Fear of failure can stop one to do something.
7 Bond The bond between a father and a daughter is amazing.
8 Frighten brave people are not frighten of failure and challenges
9 Write writing can help to improve communication skills.
10 Try Keep trying hard you will get the results in your favour one day.
11 Coward crying is not a characterstic of coward
12 Lie one can lie to the world but not to self.
13 Act the CAA act was passed in both houses.
14 Grim ...
15 Labor child labour and forceful labour is crime in India
16 Zeal zeal.
17 Clue one clue is enough for the intelligent and wise person.
18 Dry The weather is dry today.
19 Weak Working on our weakness can help in overall improvement.
20 Truth Truth is supreme and no matter how big the lie is truth will always win
21 Excellent The medical team done an excellent job in the tough time of covid-19
22 Argue Argument leads to agreement.
23 Figure to solve the problem one need to figure out the causes first.
24 Primary security of the nation is the primary motive of defence forces.
25 Guilty If you feel guilty and realised what you had done wrong and tried to fix it you
26 Trouble Being calm and confident can help one to come out of trouble
27 React One's reaction on a particular matter says alot about his personality
28 Law Law is meant for the protection of the citizens.
29 Seal Court ordered to seal all the places involved in blackmarketing of
30 Destination Roads which are hard to travel leads to most beautiful destinations.
31 Tiger Tiger is the national animal of India.
32 Victory hardwork and dedication leads to victory.
33 Meet we should meet our friends regularly
34 Beg its better to fight then beg for ur ri
35 History Indianhistory is very interesting.
36 Jail high court announced its jundgement and jailed
37 Viper viper
38 Hurt Thing that hurt us makes us strong.
39 Drama Harry was selected as the main lead in the school drama.
40 Cry Crying does not show weakness it is just an emotion
41 Poor Poor needs the attention and help from the government.
42 Quick Quick decision making is a quality of a good leader
43 Excess India has excess for comming years
44 Traitor Traitor.
45 Brave Brave people are not affraid of chalenges
46 Sweet too much sweet is bad for teeth
47 Win Winning or loosing is just a part of game the thing that matters is what we learn
48 Father Father can sacrifice everything for family
49 Read Reading the instructions carefully can help in better understanding and implementation of plans
50 Team A leader can be as good as his team is. as no one can wil the battle individualistic
51 Offer India offers help to all the nations in the hard time of covid -19
52 Snake some snakes are not venomous
53 Ambush ambush
54 Detail Detailed study and analysis is required to understand the topic or issue
55 Dream Serving nation is a dream of all the defence aspirants
56 Kill anything that do not kill you makes you strong
57 Ground The soldiers are on ground to safeguard the nation
58 Criminal child labour is a crime in india
59 Answer Answer needs to be appropriate according to
60 Play Playing games can improve once mental and physical health


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