Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Rupendra Answered on : 08 Jan 2021
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1 Akash 23 years of age is a good athlete who has done something very great which the whole world is proud of. He was in his flight going for his meeting and suddenly there’s was an hijack in the plane and every one was afraid over their. Their were 3 people who hijacked the plane and their demands was to release some of their men’s which were arrested by the Indian army at near attack. Akash has that zeal to do something for his country at the stake of his life as he truly loves his motherland. He planned to do something and trying to rescue the passenger. He somehow was able to take the hun of the person who was near to him and then he shoot all three of them but two bullets were shot at him near the chest which let him to excessive blood loss and leads to death. The public just gathered over their in the name and pride of the bravest men who just died for his country.


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