Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : SuperAnswered on : 31 Jan 2021
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 The main character is in the car. His name is aakarsh, aged 29, Male, Excited. He is about to witness his child birth and is on his way to his house. Because Aakarsh is a Actor and a contributor to the Nation by providing free ration to the poor and employment at his factory, the Factory Labourers had come to congratulate him at his residence. The general public were elevated as this was his first child and wanted to be there to support him. Aakarsh had come back from his shooting and is to fulfil and tell the general public what he had promised on birth of his child. Aakarsh upon reaching home got to know that it was a girl child and was very excited as he always wanted a girl child. His wife was very pleased upon seeing him be present and hold the baby. Aakarsh had informed the general public about the


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