Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Mona KumariAnswered on : 11 Mar 2021
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Raghav comes from a very small village in Bihar. With his determination and handwork ,he was able to qualify the UPSC examinations and become IAS officer. Even after becoming an officer he could never forget his village and returned back again to his village to his people. The village was also very proud of their Raghav and decorated the whole village for his coming. They all dressed well and waiting with a lot of love in their eyes for their son. When Raghav's car arrived on the lane of the village ,the crowd gathered him all around. He was very emotional and overwhelmed to watch the love of his people. He asked the driver to stop the car and came out to address his villagers. He decided that he would work for all the needs of his people and his village and would really make them very proud. He also decided to open new schools for the children of the people and get them access to all those needs which he wasn't able to get when he was small.


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