Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : AmishaAnswered on : 16 Mar 2021
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 The picture was neutral as people were seen surrounding a car in large mob. People are showing their love for the person who as a visit to the native place changed the life of many people. There were so many unemployed people in the village of orissa and those who were employed were lay off. So this guy found out the solution and set up a factory in the village for which many people were given employment which was the main problem of the hour. People lost there standard of living but due to this opportunity they were happy and their children were also sent to school for studies. So after setting up everything when he was going back to his place people were showing their love with teary eyes and surrounded the person car and showered their blessing to the person. It is due to him that village was again progressing and emoplyment was generated at large


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