Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : SakshiAnswered on : 12 May 2021
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1 Ramesh, a 32 years old engineer once stood in an election against the famous political party leader. He being one of the people in their city knew what exact problems people are looking for and how to provide them with all the opportunities, therefore with the help of his fellow local friends he decided to take part in the election. He himself went to each and every house of the town and tried to understand what exactly the people are expecting from their leader. He also asked them to vote him if they think that he is a good fit. On the election day, it was declared that he won the election with majority of votes. He was asked to come to the capital city for taking the oath. He was sent a big car with a driver to take him to the city, he started his journey and soon is surrounded by the people of his town to give him good wishes and congratulate on success. He came out of the car and addressed the voters that he will soon start working towards the progress of the city once he is back from taking the oath. He kept his promises. People were happy with his work.


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