Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Abhishek JhaAnswered on : 30 Jun 2021
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1 Rohan 28 year old young DM of Madhubani district has planned to develop the education facilities in his district by establishing a technical and management institute, he formulates the plan along with the the members of education department and make sure to to put all the digital facilities in the library good sanitation facilities and also the sports facilities in the campus, then he sends it to the education ministry. He also made a representation and briefed it to the education minister of the state. Finally the ministry approve the plan and the project started. In few months the institute was ready and he went to inaugurated it, the people were very happy and came in large numbers to welcome him. It helped and contributed towards the development of youth as well as the area. He felt so happy and contented to be able to contribute towards the betterment of the district.


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