Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : abcdAnswered on : 09 Aug 2021
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Theme- calming down a enraged mob sex- male age- 24 mood- neutral Rajat is a 24yr old man who is an inspector in mumbai police.His senior officer gave him a high profile case. It was about a thief who had looted several people and was on the run.Rajat accepted the responsibility. He did a lot of research and investigation and drew up a plan to predict the thief's next moves and in this way he was finally able to catch the thief.But while bringing that thief to police station in the car with his team he encountered a mob who were very angry with the thief and wanted to beat him.Rajat somehow managed to calm down the pacified mob by speaking on hi megaphone and telling them that beating him wont give them justice.Finally the mob gave him way and he was able to reach the police station and put the thief in lockup.


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