Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : ShaliniAnswered on : 08 Oct 2021
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 There was a huge fire in the factory where Raj worked. It happened in the night and almost all the labourers were caught unaware. Very few could save themselves from the burning flames. However, when notified , the owner was not ready to take any responsibility for the event and blamed the workers doing the shift for being negligent and causing the fire. The laborers were furious to hear this and started to rally against the owners. A huge mob gathered around the factory premises. As soon as the owners came on site the whole mob attacked their vehicle to protest against the wrongful accusations made by the owners. The anger was palpable and the owners were clearly outnumbered by the friends and family of the workers. What started as a protest was now becoming a major issue! The owner refused to come outside and speak with the leader of the labor union. This aggravated the workers further


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