Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Dhruv RustagiAnswered on : 02 Nov 2021
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Number of characters : Many Main : The person inside the car Age and sex : Unknown Mood : Angry Past : The minister implemented some policy which upset public Present : People are protesting against it Future : Minister realizes its mistake and implements the changes STORY : Ram Kumar was the Minister of Agriculture. He had a humble background and was raised in the streets of Uttar Pradesh. He had faced extreme hardships in order to excel in politics and become a MLA and then a Cabinet Minister. When he was given the responsibility of Agriculture, he sought to change agriculture for the better. After 2 years of thinking and deciding what policies would benefit agriculture, he implemented it. But the problem was that the Policy had a very major drawback which was immediately noticed by people. Angered by the flaw, people took upon the streets to pretest against this as it would kill their livelihoods. As ss


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