Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : NIKHILAnswered on : 13 Mar 2022
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Action: Article 370 has been abolished. Media and people engulf the minister to ask question related to the abolishment of article 370 that has been recently pass into the parliament . The main object is the car, inside which there is a minister who is sitting after passing an act inside the parliament. Media and people ecircle his car to ask questions related to the decision making and the activities that was done in parliament. What are the positives or negatives of the decision that has been recently made? And whether he is happy baout that. What will be the outcomes and how he percieves that whether that will be in their favour or against their government. How will they execute this? As wee see the car is pass without nothing to address. It means he dont want to addrss the media and public about this thinking that his decision is final and what he seems is right and majority is with them and they want to take action on that without wasting time in explaining and convincing the


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