Answer for Original SSB PPDT Picture Online Practice Set

Attempted By : Yash KumarAnswered on : 26 Jun 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 The picture depicts a car surrounded by a big mob. The lead character of the story,namely Rajesh Kumar, sits in the car. He is 23 years old and belonged to a poor family. His father worked very hard and taught him in the district school. He studied very hard and got a scholarship to a premier college. He studied hard and wished to do something for his country. He wished to improve the agriculture sector of the country which has been ignored by the powerful. He completed his studies and became an Agricultural Engineer. He made a discovery to improve the fertility of the soil and got opportunities to sell it to other countries as well. But he chose to improve the conditions here in India, and sold the technology to farmers at almost no price. He assured them that they are going to receive these researches in future as well. Thats why the entire mob surrounds him. He has became one significant researcher in India now.


Concept and story is good. Just try to improve your English.
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Commented By : Rakesh Kumar Singh       Member Level : Bronze      Commented On : 23-Jul-2017       Points : 2      

I think story is not related to picture shown only last line of story deal with either theme or conclusion which i think is not better idea

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